Product Advantages
1.Custom Controller
Main parameters dynamic simulation graphicsdisplay,equipment running status at a glance.
The firm design ensures the long-term reliability anddurability of the equipment.
3. Convenient Maintenance
European wing door design, convenient for dailymaintenance work.
4.Third Emission Engine In China
Ln Line With The Third Stage Of China Non-Inlet Diesel Engineexhaust Platinum Emission Standard Low Emission, Green,Environmental Protection.
5.Low Noise
The Surrounding Body Of The Mobile Machine And Theeuropean Wing Door Are Closely Connected To The Designof Noise Reduction And Sound Absorption.
1.Silent Environment
Silent case design, even in thenoisy city can maintain a goodnoiselevel, to avoid noise causedby environmental pollution.
2.High Temperature Design
The equipment can operatewell at ambient temperaturesup to 48℃
Economic Configuration
The original imported Japanese engine ismoresuitable for the FU promise airsmall-sized mobileair com-pressor, resulting in better fueleconomy andlower noise.
Cummins diesel engine is usedin FU promise airmedium, largemobile air compressor,strongerpowerand more convenientmaintenance service, which-makes ourusers more conve-nient to use.
Also, we will also provide more choices according to theneeds of ourcustomers,such as: domestic diesel enginesand other brands, richconfiguration options, is one of thecustomized services we are good at.
Most customers will consider how to choose the diesel enginewhen choosing themobile air compressor. A high-quality mobileair compressor, stability and economyneed to be composed oftwo important parts: diesel engine and Airend.
The most prominent feature of the mikovspromise air compressoris that it is sturdyand durable, and it can operate stablyevenunder bad working conditions, andthe sufficient exhaustcapacity can easilydrive the work of the equipment.
Optional Diesel Engine: Flexible diesel engine to meet the different operating environ-ment and conditions of operation, general maintenance, regard-less of the location of the compressor,customers can find asuitable supplier of parts.
Pharmaceuticals, Cement, Coating, Electronics Industry, Food Processing, Textile Manufacturing, Laser Cutting Machine, Color Sorter Machine.
With our professional products, energy-efficient and reliable compressed air solutions, perfect distribution network and long- term value-added service, we have win the trust and satisfactions from the customer all over the world.
Our Case Studies